Pro Power Tips 1.0A (c) 1992 Scanlon Enterprises ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SOFTWARE SPECIALS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This section contains software descriptions which the Author has thought the reader may wish to order. This section also contains complete descriptions and pricing for software written by this Author. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SCANLON ENTERPRISES REGISTERED PRODUCT LIST ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SEBFU (Scanlon Enterprises Batch File Utilities), a collection of over 100 powerful Batch file enhancement utilities and many great DOS utilities. These utilities allow the user to completely control the display, to set screen color, position the cursor and in obtaining powerful looking windowed screens. In addition, SEBFU interfaces with a batch file, allowing the batch file to respond to keyboard input, check disk drive status, check printer status, send special printer codes to a printer, check for system device drivers, check disk space and file size, check memory size and bytes available, and much more. With SEBFU, you can create very powerful MENU's and control format operations, even do multi-disk formats, using the DOS FORMAT program! If you write batch files, you need this. SEBFU is priced at $19.95 SYSTEM CHECK ! This is a collection of utilities, to aid in responding to a software developers request for your system information, in response to a problem you have reported. This package comes with 4 utilities to get various system information, such as device drivers (actually loaded), TSR's which are loaded, how YOUR interrupts are being used and how your low memory area is being used by DOS and the BIOS. Coupled with copies of your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, the support department of your product will more easily be able to determine your problem and suggest how to get going again. SYSTEM CHECK is priced at $10 POPDIAL is a pop-up phone dialer (TSR), which will dial a phone number, currently displayed on your video system, or alternately from a number you enter. POPDIAL uses your built in or external modem to issue dial strings. PopDial lets you position the cursor anywhere on screen, and you can determine the entire dial string, including any phone number prefixes, such as dial pause and area code to allow virtually any dial combination, such as waiting for a second dial tone and calling voice mail and pagers. If you use your phone a lot, you need POPDIAL. POPDIAL is priced at $10 SEBFI (Scanlon Enterprises Batch File Interpreter). If you want the speed of an application, but the flexibility of a batch file, then SEBFI is for you. You build batch files, like you would normally, but, using an additional 20 built in functions (all DOS batch commands are also available). SEBFI runs your new batch file, directly out of RAM, this gives your batch file an added 10 to 1 increase in speed. If you need FAST batch files batch files, then you NEED SEBFI. SEBFI is priced at $14.95 SIS LITE : Software Installation in under 10K ! Tight Machine Code System. Shareware Installation System Lite, dubbed SIS LITE, offers you a platform to create PROFESSIONAL software installation systems. These installations systems are used by Shareware Authors, Commercial Developers, Disk Vendors and those who need to supply software, on disk to remote sites. SIS LITE uses a small command set, to produce a programmable environment, which is as easy to use, as writing a batch file. SIS LITE produces a small distribution installation system, which may be under 7K bytes in size. That's TINY ! This is accomplished via 25 internal commands, which the developer uses, to customize the program with. FEATURES : ~ Professional looking screens Your final installation system can have colorful text, with shadowed windows. ~ TINY distribution size, typically under 7K bytes ~ Easy to use miniature programming language (if you can write a batch file, you can use this) ~ Auto checks disk space, for your defined minimum requirement ~ Auto checks target path (does the target already exist, upgrade) ~ Auto detects source drive ~ Copies file to selected target (built in function) ~ User override of target drive and path ~ Can execute any external COM or EXE program (use to execute self extracting programs, or to run a VIEW program to display a README file, or anything else) ~ There can be as many layered subdirectory's as needed ~ There can be multiple installation disks ~ SIS LITE is ROYALTY FREE, for unlimited usage ~ FINALLY, SIS LITE has a low price - $39.95 FileLister I, in under 4.5K ! Tight Machine Code System. FileLister I, dubbed FLST, offers you a platform to view and print virtually and ASCII document. File viewing systems are generally large, full featured systems, but, are nearly impossible to distribute with shareware disks. FileLister I, with it's small size (under 4.5K) will be the NEW file viewer of choice! FileLister I, has all the standard file navigation tools, such as page up and down, line up and down, Left and right document shifting to view wide pages, go to top and bottom of a file and more. In addition, FileLister I, has features found only in better file viewing utilities, which usually require much more disk space. FileLister I, can view very large documents, to 4 gigabytes! FileLister I, can print all or part of a file. FileLister I, can send printer controls to and of 4 printers (must be BIOS supported), which can set the printer margins, type style, and more. FileLister I, adapts to virtually any video system. FileLister I, needs only 64K of ram to run in, and still display text very quickly, even when moving from top to bottom of a file! This means, FileLister can be SHELLED to from programs, such as communications programs, and used to view a file quickly. FileLister also allows the user to select another file to view, without exiting to a DOS prompt. When thru viewing, simply press the ESCAPE key, and you're back at a DOS prompt or the program which started FileLister I. FEATURES : ~ White on Blue Screens for file viewing (Registered Version comes with color changing utility.) ~ TINY distribution size, under 4.5K bytes ~ Easy to use File Navigation controls ~ Print all or part of a file ~ Send print control strings ~ Selectable printer port ~ Multiple file views without DOS exit ~ Full Documentation FileLister is available for only $10 All Scanlon Enterprises Software Trial Versions, are available for $1.99 each plus shipping. California Residents add tax. Shipping is $3 per order (you can order more than one product per order for this same shipping charge). To order any of the above, fully registered versions or demo versions, send appropriate amount including shipping and any tax, to Scanlon Enterprises, 38354 17th St. E., Palmdale, CA 93550 Alternately, print the REGALL.DOC file for a generic order form ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ MINI SHAREWARE CATALOG ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The following is a short listing of software we thought readers of Pro Power Tips may be interested in. When you register Pro Power Tips, you can ask for a FREE copy of our full catalog on disk (normally a $3 value, plus shipping). Catalog # : SE510001 Title : 4PRINT & CLASER Print 4 pages on 1 page, and printer setup utility. 4PRINT 3.10 prints 4 pages on 1 page in landscape mode, has support for wide documents, spreadsheets, proportional fonts, multiple copies and more, plus has the font for use with laser printers without the landscape font. CLASER 2.3 is a TSR (pop-up) Laserjet setup utility with control for graphic screen dumps; character pitch, style, orientation, and more. Also supports true Epson emulation for cases where the software (application) does not support the Laserjet. Catalog # : SE510224 Title : PRINT UTILS - 7 Set up programs for Epson or IBM printers. 2 printer set up programs, one for Epsons and compatibles and the other for IBM Pro printer and compatibles. Both are easy to use menu driven programs. Catalog # : SE510294 Title : NORTON CLONE Provides most functions of NORTON UTILS. Actual name of utils is DISK COMMANDO UTILITIES. These utilities provide functions for; editing directory information; map of disk usage; unfragment disk (optimize); sort directory entries; look for bad sectors and tracks; find files anywhere on drive; unformat accidental format; sector editing; change directories via tree; time process time of functions; undelete deleted files; view text files (like LIST); change volume label name; fill an entire disk with a specified char (security protection); fill an entire file with a specified char. Catalog # : SE510317 Title : PRINT UTILS - 2 LQPRINT allows older Epson printers to print in letter quality mode; BANNERIFIC V 1.0 creates your custom banners for parties and announcements and other events. ; SIDEWAYS allows you to print your text file sideways. Esc sends a hex 27 to the standard output followed by the specified characters. ESC.DOC contains a summary of some of the standard control codes of ANSI standard X3.64. Because the Esc DOCS file, ESC.DOC, contains many special characters, most printers will have problems printing this file. It is recommended that ESC.DOC be "type"ed and read from the display. Catalog # : SE510335 Title : 100 LETTERS 100 letters for business and personal use for use with any WP. Some of the letters are ; Delinquent account, Acknowledge orders, acknowledge credit requests, decline invitations, notice to quit job due to illness, billing errors, refund letters and many more. Catalog # : SE510455 Title : &S BACKUP/RESTORE Easy way to back up system, DOS compatible files. Point & Shoot Backup/Restore is a hard disk backup and restoration program designed for IBM & compatibles. This is designed to work with the P&S Hard Disk Manager, but will function just fine as a stand alone program. The user may select drive, drive type, path (up to 10 of them) and if modified only or all files will be backed up. One of the nice things about this system, is it's placing the back up files on a disk in a standard DOS format, readable by DOS. The only drawbacks to this program, is that multiple drives can not be accessed from the same program entry, and that the back up is a little slow. Catalog # : SE510481 Title : FREEWORD Full featured wordprocessor. FreeWord is a powerful, full featured and easy to use, menu-driven WP, is capable of right and left justification ; moving the cursor by character, word, line, screen or page; searching a DOC for a word or phrase and moving and copying blocks of text. FreeWord permits printing in the background so that the user can proceed with other work. All registered users receive SSP's SPELL a spelling checker program. Catalog # : SE510506 Title : AS-EASY-AS 1-2-3 Spreadsheet System Clone. Full featured spread sheet system. Powerful easy to use Lotus style spreadsheet. Allows up to 52 columns, graphing (better than Lotus), full color screens, all Lotus math functions (plus additional ones), plus has a powerful macro LANG. Will not run on Tandy 1000's. Loads 1-2-3 spreadsheets. Catalog # : SE510507 Title : SLICK WORKS Wordprocessing, Mailmerge, spread sheet and Database, all integrated into one package. The "SLIC" Works is an integrated prg designed especially for persons that desire quick and easy Word Processing with Mail List Merging, Information Management and the ability to do Calculations and create Bar charts on a Electronic Spread Sheet. Data stored in the Info Filer and Spread Sheet may be merged with the WP to create detailed reports, memos and letters. The Spread Sheet is an electronic work sheet made up of a matrix of 6,630 cells (255 rows x 26 columns), you may link sheets together, taking a value or results from other sheets and using them in a currently loaded sheet. In theory you could link 6,630 sheets, one for each cell of the current sheet. The WP is full featured with word wrap, mail merge, centering, and much more. Catalog # : SE510550 Title : WAMPUM A full-featured, menu-driven implementation of the dBASE III programming LANG, with network support. Features include: * Creation and use of dBASE III-compatible data bases * Complete multi-user network support using any dBASE file * Creation and use of up to 7 B-Tree Indexes per .DBF file * 10 Data Entry Screen Formats * Creation and use of dBASE III-compatible reports & labels * Creation and use of WAMPUM "mail merge" form letter files * Full-featured copy utilities to import & export any data * Library of macros tailored to any WAMPUM application * Calculated fields using standard dBASE expressions * Boolean searches of dBASE III-compatible MEMO fields * Audit Trail / Transaction Logging for multi-user tasks * NetBIOS-compatible record & file locking network support * Global search & replace of data elements in 1 pass Catalog # : SE510845 Title : DOS TUTOR TWO Mini course in PC based computers and DOS (The Disk Operating System). In a series of 9 sessions, DOS TUTOR directs you thru all aspects of computer usage (PC's and compatibles) such as keyboard usage, and introduces you to computer buzz words and terminology. DOS TUTOR then continues with sessions which cover DOS commands, what subdirectories are and their usage, batch files and their use and the AUTOEXEC batch file, programming basics and even a short computer history session. DOS TUTOR is completely user interactive and easy to use. Catalog # : SE510878 Title : EGA/VGA UTILS - 1 Over a dozen utils to set the EGA and VGA into various video modes. Utilities allow EGA/VGA to be set in columns of 25, 43 and 120 and in rows of 12, 35, 43 and 50. Utilities also include font changing utilities, snapshot utilities, screen saver, palette setting, cursor restoration, ANSI replacement system, and much more. Catalog # : SE511095 Title : WORDPERFECT MACROS 5.0 / 5.1 Over 90 macros to enhance the use of Wordperfect 5.0 and 5.1. These macros are written by Gordon McComb, the author of 'Wordperfect 5.0 Macros and Templates', published by Bantom. Macros included are for creating powerful menus (including a menu driven contract generation system), production of easy memos, printing selected blocks of text, quickly format documents with headers, footers and various line spacing, a great adventure game to play, a powerful help system to explain each macro and much more. If you use Wordperfect, you need this. Catalog # : SE511096 Title : WORDPERFECT MACROS 4.2 Over 70 macros to enhance the use of Wordperfect 4.2 . Use these great macros to unleash the true power, flexibility and usefulness of Wordperfect 4.2 . Macros included can delete, cut, paste, copy & move text; produce a font menu; count the words in a document; set margins; scroll a document; justify a document; column setup; perform page numbering; and much more. Comes complete with a powerful on-line help system which explains each macro and template. These can be easily converted to WordPerfect 5.0 and 5.1 Catalog # : SE511098 Title : DBASE IV TUTOR Well done Dbase IV tutor with 950 pages of documentation and many sample programs. This tutor has sections for the novice as well as the expert Dbase programmer. The tutor will show you how to design a database and explains numerous applications using the Dbase IV ASSIST as well as written program code. There are over 450K of program examples (compressed on disk). Catalog # : SE511099 Title : LOTUS LEARNING SYS. 2.41/1 Interactive tutorial teaches Lotus 123. Interactive tutorial teaches Lotus 123, and may even be used by the novice computer user. Topics covered by the Lotus Learning System are: spreadsheet background; applications for Lotus 123; Lotus command menu structure; Lotus use of the keyboard and more. The tutorial is run by selecting a choice of options from a menu. The system gives the user the look & feel of Lotus in a 'Real Time & Simulation' mode, which include trail balance and profit and loss worksheets. This is a two disk set! Catalog # : SE511106 Title : DOWNLOAD Laserjet utility to download softfonts to a laserjet or compatible printer (including deskjet or compatibles). DOWNLOAD can select fonts as they are sent, sent groups or single fonts, and send the fonts via the LPT or COM ports. DOWNLOAD allows the user to control the font ID number, whether the font is temporary or permanent and whether it is a primary or secondary font. DOWNLOAD offers the user a choice of keeping existing soft fonts (in the laser jet), deleting the existing softfonts or even resetting the laser jet. Fonts included with this package include Broadway 18pt, Century Legal 10pt, Greek 10 pt, Computer 10pt, Flourish 12pt, Helvetica 10pt Bold, Helvetica 10pt italic, Helvetica 10pt medium, Helvetica 12pt Bold, Helvetica 12pt italic, Helvetica 12pt medium, Helvetica 18pt bold, Script 12pt, Symbols (Dingbats) 18pt, Roman 10pt Bold, Roman 10pt italic, Roman 10pt medium, Roman 12pt Bold, Roman 12pt italic, Roman 12pt medium, and Roman 18pt Bold. Catalog # : SE511107 Title : LASERJET FONTS - 1 Over 30 laserjet & deskjet fonts (or compatibles). Fonts include: GARAMOND in 10pt Bold, 10pt Reg., 10pt Italic, 12pt Bold, 12pt Reg., 12pt Italic, 18pt Reg, 24pt Reg and 30pt Reg.; CENTRUM in 8pt reg, 10pt Bold, 10pt Italic, 10pt reg, 12pt reg, 12pt Italic, 12pt Bold, 18pt reg & 24pt reg; OPTIMIS in 10pt reg, 10pt Italic, 10pt Bold, 12pt reg, 12pt Italic, 12pt Bold, 18pt reg & 24 pt reg, Roman in 5 12pt types. Also includes DOWNLOAD to download fonts to printer. This is a 2 disk set. Catalog # : SE511110 Title : DESKJET FONTS - 1 18 Soft fonts for the Deskjet or compatible printer, includes: Helvetica 10 & 12 point normal, italic & bold, Old English 8 & 10 pt, Roman in 10 & 12 point normal, italic & bold, Script in 8 & 10 point, Square in 10 point and Symbols in 24 point. Also are drivers for the 3 popular wordprocessors PC-Write, MS-Word & WordPerfect, plus DOWNLOAD to transmit the fonts to your printer. Catalog # : SE511112 Title : POSTSCRIPT FONTS - 1 (2 disk set)Two fully functional postscript fonts (Heildelbe 1.0 & Diego1 1.2) for use with Ventura Publisher, Windows or Pagemaker. Comes with full documentation and EPS files created with Corel Draw and the driver. Also included is a 7 page character map in a Pagemaker publication. Heildelbe is a calligraphic font which is suited to such use as certificates, awards and diplomas. Diego1 is provided complete with special symbols and foreign language characters. This is a 2 disk set. Our Catalog includes all popular shareware ! Some additional titles are : Express Check - Full featured check book system Pony Express - TSR postal and UPS rate system Billpower - Time and Billing system (2 disks) File Express - Flat Base Data base system (very popular) Draft Choice - Object oriented graphic system ProComm - Modem Communications System QModem - Modem Communications System PKZIP - Compression System ViruScan - Software Virus Detection System (very popular) City Desk - Desk Top Publishing Galaxy - Full Word Processing System PC-Write - Full Word Processing System (very popular) 4DOS - Replaces DOS COMMAND.COM AutoMenu - Menu system (popular) Our catalog contains over 1300 hundred listings. Categories include : Graphics for various graphics programs such as Ventura, 1st Publisher, Harvard Graphics and others. Business Programs DataBase Amiture Radio Programming WordProcessing Religion SpreadSheets Personal Finance And dozens of others, including hundreds of games (in all categories, such as Arcade and adventure) and utilities (such as printer, archive, DOS, and more). All our shareware programs are only $1.99 each and completely virus FREE. To order any of the above software, simply include $1.99 per disk (some are 2 disk sets), along with your registration for this product. To make your ordering easy, we have included a file, which you can print, called CATORD.FRM. Simply print this at a DOS prompt using the following command. COPY CATORD.FRM PRN Remember to order our FREE catalog on disk, with your registration for this product. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ PRODUCTS DIRECT FROM AUTHORS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you have enjoyed POWER TIPS you will find the following tutorials also useful. All can be ordered directly from software author Jim Hood: Demo Versions are also available From Scanlon Enterprises. PC-LEARN is a computer training system for beginners which includes chapters on buying and using a computer, an entertaining history of computers, DOS lessons, hard disk drives, tech tips how to use shareware tutorial and virus protection. PC-Learn also includes information on word processing, a suggested reading list, software selection, computer clubs, batch files, spreadsheets, databases, and even a glossary ! PC-EARN features high speed color or monochrome menus, tutorial printing, information searching capabilities and more! Selected a recommended beginner's choice by 21 computer clubs and has been featured in two national computer magazines. PROFESSOR P.C. LAPTOP is a comprehensive tutorial system which provides laptop and notebook computer owners (or those interested in buying a laptop or notebook) hundreds of powerful tips, tricks and reference articles. Tutorials include: traveling with laptops and notebooks, clever equipment purchasing strategies, battery care and maintenance, telephone and manufacturer support numbers, software selection, laptop DOS lessons, history of computers, hard drive secrets, laptop batch files, laptop modem use, little-known CompuServe resources for laptop owners, custom reading list, computer virus protection methods and more. An amazing collection of laptop and notebook computer reference material! Contains high speed search system, capability to turn sound on/off, tutorial printing, help screens and color or monochrome light bar menus. The SHAREWARE USER'S TUTORIAL is a detailed presentation on how to use and enjoy shareware! Topics include: eight easy steps to using shareware FAST, determining what is on a disk, how to run a program, how to unpack and unarchive, commonly asked questions, a short DOS review course, shortcuts, using filenames and extensions, locating documentation on disk. Even includes a short pop quiz to test your "shareware survival skills!" Chapter titles of this excellent tutorial are as follows: What is shareware, public domain, freeware and commercial software? Eight easy steps to using shareware FAST! Minimum DOS commands for using shareware. Copying the master disk. The directory listing of a shareware disk. File names and extensions - the keys to the kingdom. A turbocharged shortcut! Finding, reading and understanding documentation within a file. Unpacking and installing, including ARCS, ZIPS, LZH and more! Configuring the program if necessary. Running the program. Feedback: either register or send your regrets! Common questions and answers. Recommended reading list for shareware users and authors. Ordering information: contact Jim Hood, POB 1506, Mercer Island, WA 98040 206/236-0470 CIS:72020,2176. Send $2.28 per disk for UNREGISTERED sample copies of each program or consider ordering registered versions which contain additional bonus tutorial disks. REGISTERED PC-Learn and 2 bonus disks: $25.00. REGISTERED Professor P.C. Laptop! and 3 bonus disks: $29.95. Section finished. Be sure to order your THREE BONUS DISKS which expand this software package with vital tools, updates and additional tutorial material for computer users! Send $24.95 to Scanlon Enterprises, Department TIP, 38354 17th St. E., Palmdale, CA 93550. Bonus disks shipped promptly! Modifications, custom program versions, Site and LAN licenses of this package for business or corporate use are possible, contact the author. This software is shareware - an honor system which means TRY BEFORE YOU BUY. Press escape key to return to menu.